

Butte College is committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment for all members of the campus community.

Below are links to report discrimination and bias, concerning 学生 behavior, conduct and academic dishonesty violations, 第九条 discrimination, and general concerns 和投诉.

Butte College is committed  to an environment that cares, supports, and acknowledges the many intersecting identities our 学生s represent. 如果你是 学生 that has been the target of a bias incident, or have witnessed a bias incident, please consider filing a report to start the process.


Please use this link to refer a 学生 who needs additional campus or community services. Service referrals may include  food and housing resources, academic and tutoring support, Disabled Student 服务 & Programs (DSPS), mental or physical health resources, or other campus departments designed to support 学生s.  

If you need to report a 学生 that is displaying concerning or worrisome behavior, 请填写 Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) report.

如果你是 学生 requesting basic needs support, 请填写 基本需求 评估 Form.


Please use this link to report a violation of the Standards of 学生的行为 that include, but are not limited to, forgery, physical abuse, property theft or damage, unlawful possession, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion.  请参阅 AP 5500 for a complete list of 学生 conduct that constitutes good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal or suspension of a 学生.  副总统 for Student 服务 or representative will determine the appropriate disciplinary 响应.


Please use this link if you are instructional faculty reporting academic dishonesty in your course, such as cheating and plagiarism.  Academic dishonesty is a violation of the Standards of 学生的行为, and the Dean of Students or representative will determine the appropriate disciplinary 响应.


Please use this link to report incidents of sex or gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or any other misconduct subject to AP 3400. If you have experienced retaliation for participating (or choosing not to participate) in a procedure pursuant to 第九条, you may also report that here.

You can expect the 第九条 Coordinator to contact you for further details, however 报告皇冠新现金网 obligate you to participate in a 第九条 proceeding.  The 第九条 Coordinator will discuss options with Complainants and provide supportive measures.  请参阅 第九条网站 了解更多信息. 

For confidential support without reporting, please contact 安全的地方.

Please note that employees of the District are required to report incidents subject to 第九条 to the 第九条 Coordinator.  Using this reporting link meets this obligation.


The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a multi-disciplinary group that helps detect early indicators of potential disruptive conduct, self-harm, and violence to others. The team uses an established protocol to support the campus community including 学生s 和员工. When a BIT gets a report of problematic or concerning behavior, the team determines the best way to support, intervene, and respond. 然后团队进行部署 its plan and coordinates follow-up, supportive measures.


Please use this link to report a concern, complaint, or comment regarding your experience 在皇冠新现金网.


Please use this form to share your appreciation for a faculty or staff, program or service, or overall experience 在皇冠新现金网!

